The Auckland District Archery Association Indoor Championships were held at the Mountain Green Indoor Range on the 16th and 17th of July. There was an excellent turnout of archers all across the district, with four flights being shot on the Saturday morning, afternoon, and Sunday morning and afternoon also. Each archer shot the World Archery 18m round, which was 60 arrows at 18m on a 40cm target face.
ADAA would like to congratulate Stephen Florence of Mountain Green Archery Club on breaking the Archery NZ Open Record for the Men’s Recurve, shooting a 587 (the previous record having been 581 since 2003). Well done Stephen!
ADAA wish to make a statement that there was a mistake made in the scoring for the Intermediate Compound Men’s division, where the archers were incorrectly told to score the outer ten ring, instead of the inner ten. The scores shot on the day will stand for the results of the tournament (and would not have changed the results nonetheless), but unfortunately this does make the archers’ scores invalid for claiming any World Archery or Archery NZ records or pins. The archers involved have been informed of this error, and the ADAA wishes to issue an apology to those archers.
The ADAA has sought independent clarification on the issue, and will be seeking further confirmation in the rules for Archery NZ so that a similar incident does not happen in future. For any questions please email
The results can be found attached here, and on the Archery NZ website.
ADAA 2016 Indoor Champs Results