Please see below for the matchplay draws for the ADAA Target Championships 2021.
Individual Matches will be held first, followed by Mixed-Teams.
The divisions are:
- Senior Recurve Open (70m) Matchplay spreadsheet 70m
- Cadet Recurve Open (60m) Matchplay spreadsheet 60m
- Barebow Open (50m) Matchplay spreadsheet 50m
- Recurve and Barebow Cub, Kiwi and Intermediate (20m, 35m, 45m) Matchplay spreadsheet kids
Mixed Teams:
- Senior Recurve Open (70m) Matchplay spreadsheet Mixed Teams 70m
- Cadet Recurve Open (60m) Matchplay spreadsheet Mixed Teams 60m
- Barebow Open (50m) Matchplay spreadsheet Mixed Teams 50m
- Youth Mixed (18m) Matchplay spreadsheet Mixed Teams 18m