Archery tournaments, have-a-go days, beginner courses and coach training sessions are happening all around Auckland all the time! Check out the upcoming events here with links to websites where more information is hosted.
- Categories
1440 3d 3d archery 600 720 720 round adaa agm animal round archery archery nz archerynz archerynz championships auckland auckland archery club auckland club auckland district auckland.archery auckland.opening day barebow best friends bowhunter bowhunters challenge championships christmas clout club club shoot coach coaching college college sport compound course day district district archery doubles entry form evening event field field archery FITA fun fun shoot have a go IFAA indoor indoors information interclub interschool jama junior junior.archery juniors kid friendly lakeview league longbow major marked massey massey archery massey safari match-play matchplay meeting mgac mixed team mountain green mountain green archery mountain green archery club mt albert mt tiger nationals north island north island championships novice novice archers nzfaa nzfaa nationals one tree hill one tree hill archery one tree hill cup opening opening day outdoor archery pairs picnic postal membership presentation prize money qualification recurve ribbon robinhood royle hutton safari school season secondary schools selection event senior shoot shooting shore sport summer target target archery target championships team teams tournament traditional archery training try archery unmarked winter world archery world masters games xmas youth youth archery youth championships youth fun youth north island zombie shoot
Auckland Archery Club is proud to be hosting the Devious Double.
Saturday Double 720 round, Sunday is a 1440. (Opposite to previous years!)
Check the shooting rules to confirm the distances you need to shoot.
Devious Double is a two day tournament and to be eligible for medals and prizes both days and all events must be completed.
Priority is given to those registering for both days.
Some age groups may be combined depending on the number of entries.
Enter now on ArcheryOSA:
Saturday Double 720
9am bow inspection
9.30am Sighting ends
First 720 round
Lunch break
Second 720 round
9am bow inspection if required
9.30am first sighting arrows for 1440
Lunch break
Second half of 1440
Medal and prize presentation