All youth archers in the Auckland District may shoot and submit scores for this round, as long as they belong to one of the Auckland District member clubs.
ADAA Youth Shoot Schedule 2025
This year we are doing Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep and Oct/Nov.
Archers may shoot the round as many times as they like during the months. The best score of that month should be submitted to the ADAA. Seeing as most of our clubs shoot these rounds each weekend, this shouldn’t be hard to collate.
The cutoff date for scores to be submitted is the 10th of the following month. Scores will be posted online on the ADAA website by the 15th of the following month.
Scores need to follow the template below (name of archer, date of birth, division etc). We have included Barebow and Compound Barebow, as well as Recurve and Compound.
We hope your archers have fun!
Each “youth coordinator” from each club need to collate scores for all youth archers in their club, and submit scores by the 10th to Attached is a template to make it easy to submit scores for your archers.